Monday, December 13, 2010
Bidding Adieu! :-)
I am done with my 1st semester in MBA, and the course which required me to take up this blogging activity has come to an end. Since, this would officially be my last Post in this blog. However, you you can still follow me on Reverie.
Thanks for all you readings, comments and interesting thoughts...I did enjoy it :-)
TC & Cheers,
Arpitha :-)
Monday, November 15, 2010
Technical fit between "Technologies"
If you think in these lines, then what would happen if we bring about the best of each technology and fit them with each other! Wow, the sky is the limit for such innovations! We have just taken our first baby step towards innovation within technologies rather than adapting/ re engineering them.
However, for me Chrome still has some bugs that are not so user friendly. For example:
1. When I need to upload pictures into Picasa, the chrome browser just allows 5 pictures at a time!!
2. A few tabs in the HDFC net banking website is invisible in chrome browser.
On the other hand, FB still has the privacy issues that needs to be handled without much account setting complications it currently offers.
Therefore, it is not only important to come up with hybrid technologies, but emphasis must also be on how to make these technologies user friendly, defect free and compatible for future growth and development of IT world. In other words creating "AVATAR" !
Monday, November 8, 2010
Taking Globalization to the next level.
1. Hardware compatibility issues
2. Different vendors offering different roaming traffics for cell phones
3. Different electricity supplies
Spain & Portugal are making an attempt to ease this issue , by exempting the roaming charge for cell phones in their countries. This is looked upon as a advantage for the vendor and the customer. The vendor can make up for the loss by the increased usage of the service at the same time, the customer need not worry about roaming traffics. Hence based on the business activities between 2 countries if we try to make them more digitally compatible it could become a catalyst for further business growth and development.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Privacy Privacy Privacy!
We have had many anti-virus, anti-malwares which help minimize this risk for the end users. A new addition to this family is Lookout for smart phones. The basic services provided by them are
1. Anti-Virus Protection
2. Data backup
3. Privacy Dashboards
Apart from the numerous extra features for power users. A minimum rental of $2.99/month or $29.99/year is charged for this service. Though close to 3 million users have downloaded the freeware version of this, the users who want to pay the premium service is unknown.
But if you come to think of it, we spend close to $60+ monthly for smart phones and the various application which are add-on to it. When we can spend so much for communication purpose will we not spend another $3 to protect us and people connected to us from becoming victims of digital crimes!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Multitaking with Technology
When one starts wondering, that we have hit the brim of exploring the usage of cellphones for multitasking, we see one more task that can be accomplished with cellphones. This is what AT&T has done this time.
Our Cellphone numbers are becoming our Identity and used as a surety for online shopping. They are becoming the digital dossiers not only for our personal life but also for our business life. So, where ever you shop, you just need to link your bills to the cell phone number and the amount is reflected in your phone account.
This idea can be extended so that it is similar to what Microsoft's Card Space. A single identity for all purposes whether it be for ID verification, shopping, paying utility bills. Hence user can use their cell phones alone for all personal & transaction purposes. This would be a great example of taking technology to a whole new . Though the pros of this are very lucrative, we must analyze the cons before jumping into conclusions and implementing them.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
"IT"s Impact !
These countries were seen more as revenue generators than revenue creators in the IT fraternity. However, a lot has changed in the recent times, with a stable GDP each year recorded by China & India they are looked upon as the next destination for investments by all. We have every other country, government and political leaders lobbying for making their mark in these economies. To support my argument I am giving the example of IBM Net Income Rises 12 Percent buoyed by strong performance in Brazil, Russia, India and China as well as solid sales of analytics software and services.
IT has always been an everygreen field for investment right from its inception. It might have faced a few hiccups once in a while, but has always comes back to business with a bigger boom. This is turing power and economoy into the hands of the 3 world countires. This only exmplifies the magnitde of impact IT has!!! Hence organizations who are not IT-friendly must start looking at it more seriously and be up-to date with the current technology.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tweets becoming more Feeble!
Now after having been a faithful user of Twitter for a couple of months, I have released the Twitter is fading away.
Of the 10 people I follow, hardly 1-2 tweet once in fortnight. The tweets are so short and less informative that, it never really calls for a conversation/ re tweeting. I have been tweeting regular, but the response to my tweets have declined drastically over the months. The Tweets are almost same as status update feature provided by Orkut/ Facebook. So why bother to log in to Twitter Application and do it? While there is no response or active users who follow you. This is the exact conclusion drawn by the social media analytics company Sysomos posed in a survey.
I wonder if Twitter is an example of Bleeding Edge Technology. For all the hype it had created during its infancy, it should by now have out performed other socializing and communication based competitors such as FaceBook, Blogs, Orkut.
Eager to see what steps the Twitter takes to get back to business. Would it go for a process re-engineering or a process-improvement approach?
Monday, September 27, 2010
OAuth A win-win situation !!
Every web page we browse now a days invariably has a Face Book / Twitter connect and now a days even others such as RSS Feed and Blogs. A Live example would me our FLORES MBA homepage
Till now all these application were using their own set of API's for allowing them to authenticate and sign in the user. But now a new trend is emerging with a standardized token called the OAuth being used. Recently Twitter made this mandatory [though previously OAuth was one of the possible options]. Also, Face book had its own customized API, but now even are moving to the OAuth token. And we can see Google is also catching up in this race : Google Adds OAuth Support to Google Apps
The possible conclusion we can draw is; Since connecting using Socialization/ networking Website apps is growing, the top players want to be accessible and available. Hence, many of them are moving to a standard for connecting to thier apps!!! So this would be an ideal example of Supply Push where customers are buying the OAuth!!!
On the other hand, previous version of the OAuth token had many data and security issues. Such as the data of a logged in user was passed from one page to another page in the URL!!! Now we see due to the pressure of maintaining high security of users data OAuth Tokens have been modified to meet the customer requirements. This would be an ideal example of Demand Pull where the supplier changes as per the customer requirements.
Hence, by establishing a harmony between the supply push and demand pull we can attain a state of win-win situation the supplier and the customers!!
Monday, September 20, 2010
EU Targets to invest in IT
We can conclude a lot from this investment plan by EU:
1. They have the maximum Broad Band (BB) penetration currently. But, the internet is accessible to only 25%!!! Also, services which rely on radio spectrum account to around 2-2.5% GDP. So by exploring the option of investing in IT, they will increase the speed and depth of BB penetration. This in turn might result in increase in GDP :-)
2. With many 3 world countries in Asia, having faster and broader BB access, EU have realized that IT is indeed needed to be competitive. Hence, they are taking stringent actions to make their plan work!
3. Apart from having economic development with IT and gaining an edge over other countries, EU might be concentrating on the larger business. By having a faster BB connection, they could attract a lot of local and global companies who would approach them for creating or maintaining IT systems for themselves. They could attract a lot of organization who would invests for Research & Development in IT field.
Hence, it comes as no surprise as more and more public institutions, have started investing on IT.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Mergers & Acquisitions impact on the e-World
With over decades of software development and with astronomical amount of data been transacted, stored, analyzed, data-warehoused and data-mined, the IT industry has almost stagnated with respect to development of new software. The ones which are new ; basically provide out of box features to the existing software. There is nothing much left to newly invent in software. So the next challenge IT is facing is the Integration of these applications. This is because the business world is now all about Mergers & Acquisitions.
Hence, the true challenge lies in the fact that how IT can enable smooth transition and integration of various business process across different organization merging. This would reflect the potential role IT plays in any organization.
I wouldn't be surprised if SAP ( leader in proving tools and apps for this purpose) emerging as the biggest entity overtaking giants such as Microsoft and Sun-MircoSystems!!